Experience. Integrity. Results.

AG initials

Our Story

Alan Gray was established in 1988 as a claims and audit advisory firm, and over the years has built a reputation as a cost effective, reliable and trusted resource to those involved in the management of risk. Providing claims, accounting and analytics services, and consulting on risks and exposures from the simple to the most complex. We place the utmost emphasis on client service and satisfaction. We are an adviser and partner to a client base that includes major insurers and reinsurers, Fortune 500 companies, law firms, MGAs, brokers and captives.

In 2021, Alan Gray acquired Armour Risk Management Inc. (now known as A.G. Risk Management Inc.) which will expand our footprint across the northeastern United States and London. A.G. Risk Management, or AGRM, provides a broad range of turn-key services, from Accounting to Reinsurance, to Claims Handling for the Property & Casualty Insurance industry. AGRM has offices in Philadelphia, PA and Quincy, MA and specialize in resolving run-off and high severity books of business.

Image of office buildings
Image of the Premia Holdings building in Bermuda


Premia Holdings Ltd. has offered innovative legacy market risk solutions since 2017, with a global presence in Bermuda, the US, the UK, and Europe. Premia operates through the following subsidiaries:

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    Premia Reinsurance Ltd.

    Premia’s leading class 4 insurer, regulated by the Bermuda Monetary Authority, boasts an “A” rating by the Kroll Bond Rating Agency for robust financial strength.

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    Premia’s Syndicate 1884 via PMAL

    Offers effective risk-transfer and run-off solutions for Lloyd’s syndicates and capital providers in the UK market.

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    Dominion Insurance Company Ltd. & Trent Insurance Company Ltd.

    Subsidiaries of Premia in the UK company market, offering a broad range of insurance services and solutions.

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    Premia Insurance Europe nv/sa

    Based in Antwerp, Belgium, this Premia company provides specialized legacy market solutions for Continental European insurers.

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    Public Service Insurance Company (PSIC) & Alan Gray in the US

    PSIC is a licensed Illinois-based P&C insurer offering run-off solutions alongside Alan Gray’s industry-leading claims, accounting, analytics, and exposure consultancy solutions.